So yesterday The Biggest Loser was in Columbus doing a casting call and I actually contemplated leaving work early and making the 2 hour trek to go try out. Since I figured it wouldn't be a good drive for me, I decided to go online and I actually downloaded the application. For the first time (other than my other reality show stint that I had NO SAY in participating in) there is a reality show that I would actually consider applying for.
Here's the deal - I'm fat. I'm also funny and I also like money. I think I could do this. I also am VERY competitive. Always have been. I was the kid in high school that always screwed the curve because I had to have the highest score. Trust me - The Biggest Loser is RIGHT up my alley!
The only thing holding me back from this casting call is timing. They start filming in April. The baby is due in March. I don't want to be gone for 10 weeks and leave my newborn. I did ask work if I could take off for 10 weeks if I were chosen. LOL! Thank goodness my boss watches reality TV and is pretty cool about it.
So - I'm thinking I'm going to go for it the next season. Oh yea!!!!
Go for it Ginger! I was thinking of applying too!
That would be awesome! Maybe you could bring the new baby with you?
I would love to see you doing this and knocking out all the competition on the way up! I would love to do this too, but I can't take that much time off work (darn). If you do apply and get in, I will be so watching you, rooting you on!
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