There is a big pep rally this weekend at the stadium and we're awaiting the busloads of Yellow and Black coming from Pittsburgh. It'll be funny when our boy Chad irons the terrible towell after scoring a touchdown (note the gold teeth!)! Beware Steelers - Chad's comin' for ya!

And finally - if you're not a Bengals fan, you will be after seeing our hot #99 - David Pollack!

Who Dey Baby!!! Who Freakin' Dey!!! :)
I LOVE THIS BLOG ENTRY!! MY FAVORITE OF ALL!! It's so awesome having all of Cincinnati so jazzed about our Bengals! Can't wait for the game on Sunday!!!!!
Chad and Rudy- they are just the bomb, TJ- coolest cat out there,
Carson- well he is just the shizz nit of all quarterbacks.
AND, MEEOOOWWWWW to the HOTTIE that you posted....mmm mmm mmm. ; )
Go, Bengals!!! Hopefully Carson can play as well as Vince Young did for the Longhorns earlier this week! And Chad and Rudy just need to do their thang!
I love the blog entery!! I've been watching that HOTTY #99 since he was Dawg at Georgia! To bad he got married. But I guess a girl can dream can't she. I'll just keep watching.
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