Yesterday I got a phone call. Well, the phone rang the first time and my husband answered it. I was basically half asleep, napping with Addie since I'd had a long night the evening before. I heard Scott mumble something and then he hung up. He said to me "Hal Morris is going to call you".
Well, anyone who knows me knows that I was infatuated with Hal Morris when I was about 15. Infatuated might not be the word. In the era of teen idols on TV, Music, etc., I was the lone teenager who was obsessed with a baseball player. Hal played 1st base for the Cincinnati Reds and every chance I got I went to the games. He was a total hottie in my eyes. A bit older than me (11 years to be exact) but I didn't care. (Do most teenage girls care?) I mean - check him out - he's the dark-haired guy without the hat. He was HOT!

So - it's been a "joke" in my family forever. Especially since my brother has worked in media relations with the Reds in the past and he would bring me little Hal "momentos". Now he works for the Reds again and yesterday Hal spent the day down at the HOF with him. My brother thought it would be funny to have Hal give me a ring. After Scott hung up about two minutes later, the phone rings again.
Me: "Hello"
My Brother: "I have someone that wants to talk to you." Then you hear jostling of the passing of the phone.
Hal: "Hello"
Me: "Hello"? A total OMG - WTH? moment. Remember, I'm half asleep.
Hal: "Hey Ginger - this is Hal Morris. How are you?".
Me: "Good". Good? Of course I'm good. Why couldn't you have called me when I was 16? Seriously - I would have run down the street screaming. It would have made my year. But now - I couldn't think of anything to say. I'm happily married, have two kids, and just woke up. At 16, I would have asked him to marry me.
Hal: "Hope things are going well. I just wanted to call and tell you to have a good day."
Me: "Thanks!". Uh...are you still married???
There was a bit more conversation, of which I pretty much don't remember. I felt like a TOTAL dork. I blanked out. Meanwhile, Scott is in the background making lewd gestures. I'm trying to ignore him. He's still making fun of me today. Hey - it's not every day that you get to live out a teenage fantasy. LOL!
Remember the "lists" that Ross and Rachel made on Friends? Scott and I have those. Well... I have one. I think his pretty much consists of any thin blonde that is in showbusiness. (Maybe topped by Reese Witherspoon as #1) Amazingly, Hal is still on my list. Along with Kyle Chandler. They're the only two "constants" that have been there since I was a teenager. Maybe I should laminate it.