First off...I want to thank EVERYONE who has been so sweet and sending me sweet thoughts, prayers, etc. I really didn't realize how many people care - and I thank you for letting me know that you care. It really means a lot and can really bring a girl out of her funk.
I think I'm starting to see a little bit of light emerge. Possibly. Seems like some of the weights are lifting up a bit. I sure hope so, because these shoulders can only hold so much. My mom always says "Don't pray for a lighter load, pray for a stronger back." I've been doing that - but the lighter load would help!
CHA is coming around the corner. In about 9 days I'm leaving for an 8 day stint in Anaheim. For some reason, I don't look forward to the travel like I used to. Oh well...some things I guess you just have to do. BUT, I am looking forward to seeing a lot of my friends. The Junkitz girls will be right next to us and of course all of our designers that are coming in. I just LOVE meeting up with those girls. And, I get to see Em again. I wish she lived here. She of course would disagree with me -she likes Dallas just fine. But, lately it's been warmer in Cincinnati than Dallas. So, I think she should move here! (Hear that Emily?)
Laura's going with us. I miss her terribly. They laugh and say that I'm in mourning here at the office. I am. It's sad. It's not a laughing matter. (Ok - maybe it is considering how pathetic I am) I miss Barb. At least I get to talk to her every morning. Thank God for Verizon mobile to mobile.
Things on the home front are good. Scott and Maggie are gearing up for their next belt testing, so it's a lot of Tae Kwon Do classes. We're finally working on reorganizing my scrap room. Little bits at a time. I didn't realize how much stuff I own! I really need to get to scrapping so that I can use a bunch of it.
Anyway- I hate to do blog posts without photos, so here are a few. My girls - aren't they just adorable? I'm having these photos blown up to 20x30 for posters above my mantle. For a year I've been debating what I want to put there. They shipped from Costco last Thursday so I'm hoping they'll be at the house today. I got the idea from a pottery barn catalog. Scott picked out the photos. They weren't ones I would have chosen, but I went with them anyway. (I wanted something more "artsy" but I think he did good.)
His picks: (Although - I gotta give my man credit - he did great because they both are wearing stripes)