1) Andrei Arlovski - born in Belarus, I could just imagine sweet Russian nothings coming from this guy.

2) Matt Hammill - He's a Cincinnati boy. (You know how I love my Cincy boys!) He's also hearing impaired which makes him even more remarkable. He's an Olympic wrestler and he wrestled Scott's best friend in high school. He's also not too bad to look at but his personality makes him even cuter.

He's the one on the right in the second photo.
3) Rich Franklin - Another Cincinnati boy. Just an all-around good guy. Supports the troops and looks nice while doing it.

4) Tito Ortiz - He's the Huntington Beach Bad Boy and there is a reason. Tito is tight. The only problem is that he dates Jenna Jameson which basically means I would never touch him with a 10 foot pole, but he's still nice on the eyes.

5) Chuck Liddell and Matt Hughes - I had to put two guys in here because I realized after saying "Five" that I probably have more. It's a toss-up between these two. Chuck is mellow and has piercing blue eyes. Matt is a country-boy. With a nice body. Hmmm...which one do we pick?

(Chuck is the first photo and the next two are Matt Hughes)
There is a guy who's job is to "pat down" the fighters before the enter the octagon. He checks to make sure they're not "greased" (they would slip in submissions) and he pats down their shorts to make sure they 1) have on a cup and 2) no weapons. Once again - why can't a GIRL have that job. I'll apply for it.
Anyway - hopefully you get a little amusement out of this and understand WHY I totally love the UFC. Seriously - these guys are pretty hot!