I am sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know - it's been over a MONTH since I posted and I apologize for that. Things have just been really crazy around the house and so much has happened in a month. I'll try to do a quick summary (in order) so that you can see what's been going on.
I returned from TNNA and it's catalog season at work so I've been swamped. I have also totally become addicted to knitting and am working on a blanket - so there's an update from my knitting post. I even joined our lunchtime knitting group at work. It's funny to watch 20 girls sit around a lunchroom table with needles and yarn. The clicking of the needles is quite a site. And - now I'm one of them! Anyway, enough of my knitting speak.
I also gave in to Scott and Maggie's constant begging and we got a dog. His name is Achilles and he's an American Hairless Terrier. Basically that boils down to BALD DOG. Imagine Mr. Bigglesworth, but as a dog. That's my dog. He's hilarious. Here are a few photos that my breeder had sent to me. I have some pictures but once again had no time to upload. Plus, he's a feisty booger, but he's so sweet. He's really a good dog and he cuddles with me at night. He pretty much follows me around the house and sits with me whenever I'm standing still for a minute. He's almost 4 months now, and these were taken last month.

I never thought I'd become one of those people that puts clothes on my dog, but he has his own wardrobe. He has to wear clothes because it's cold and he has no fur. (The reason why we went hairless is because of Maggie's allergies) He's actually a cool dog - whenever we have him out, people stop and make a fuss over him. He's my boy!
We had a tragedy in the family the morning before I left for CHA. My sister-in-law, Gayle, passed away on February 7th. It's a long story as to what happened, but it was a shock and I do ask for prayers for my nephews. Gayle was a big part of our lives. She and my brother were married almost 20 years - they had been divorced the past 7 but were married for a LONG time. I grew up with her, so I have had a lot of grief to deal with and I probably haven't dealt with it very well considering I had to board a plane the next morning and missed the services. But, we're healing. Everyone is healing. My biggest concern are her three sons that she left behind. They're in their late teens, early 20's, but they still need a lot of support. The shock has really taken its toll on them. Anyway - I do ask for your prayers.
CHA was great - all things considered. I traveled with my good friend Jennifer (which made traveling a lot easier to have someone that gets it), and this was the first time that I was with F+W and not releasing a line. I have to say, it was SO relaxing for me. I was able to walk around and talk with stores, manufacturers, designers, etc., without having to worry about "are my lines ok?" or "Do people like them?" I could just appreciate everything that was out there and I didn't stress about the show like I normally would have. Saw some AWESOME stuff! I have to say - I really, REALLY like October Afternoon (not to be confused with October Road which is one of my new favorite shows!). I got some and cannot wait to tear into it. I also love Scenic Route (as always) and American Crafts. I was also excited to see my good friend, Teresa Collins and her newest release. It's STUNNING. My girl is so talented! She was the buzz of the show! Congrats T! You deserve it girl!
I made some new friends and had dinner with the Hero Arts team. They are awesome and so welcoming. I also hung out with Janna Wilson who is quite possibly one of the funniest girls I've ever met. I can't wait to see her at the summer show. (You better go girl!) Talking with our authors was a good time and it's amazing how busy our booth was. I loved it!
I saved the best for last, though. The night I got home Scott had an amazing surprise waiting for me. I'll save how he gave it to me for another post since I need to take a photo of it, too, but he gave me my Valentines/Anniversary present. We were engaged 12 years ago on Valentine's Day and this August we'll be married 10 years. When I got home that night he gave me the most beautiful anniversary band. I cried. It's gorgeous. He took the girls and went and picked out this ring and it's just beautiful. It means so much to me. I promise to take a photo and post about how he gave it to me but just know that it's GORGEOUS and I love it. The diamonds are perfect cut (whatever that means - LOL!) and they sparkle like crazy. He said something about them being colorless and flawless, too, but when you're looking at your ring, pretty much all of that stuff goes in one ear and out the other because you don't really care at that point. You're just so overwhelmed at the gesture. At least I was. So - I was a very, very happy girl and have been ever since.
That's it. There's my update. Sorry for making you wait this long. I realized when I had NINE people at CHA say something to me, that it was time for me to post. Heck - I never realized that many people read my blog. Leave me a comment sometime people! :)