At least Sunday had something for me to look forward to. Since the TV bastards canceled two of my favorite shows this summer (Dirt and October Road) I needed to find something new. When I went out of town with my girls a few weeks ago, we all became hooked on Dexter. Like, 14 hours straight on a Saturday hooked. Finally - some TV worth watching.
Plus, get this. Scott and I just got Showtime for FREE for a year from Directv. It was a "loyalty gift" for being a 5 year customer. Talk about perfect timing. So, I have a year of Dexter to look forward to and this Sunday was the season premiere.
Jennifer, Jana, Nichol, Greta and I are constantly e-mailing about the show. It's great that I can chat with my girls about it and today was no different. Of course the e-mail line was a buzz...especially because there were some new twists thrown in and of course, we're all waiting to see how the plotline develops. Oh - and I guess I should mention that I enjoy watching the show because I find Dexter to be slightly attractive. OK - so he's "I need a cold shower" hot, in his weird little way, but still...eye candy=good show.
I think my favorite thing is in the intro when he pulls his t-shirt over his head. (insert knuckle bite here)

So he dismembers...some things can be overlooked. Ha!
Anyway, that's about all that's going on right now. I've been working 60+ hours/week (new job = tons to do), Maggie has cheerleading 3-5 days/week, Addie is growing like crazy and it amazes me how much she's turning into a little girl versus my baby, and Scottie 2 Hottie (gotta give props to my #1 guy) turned 33 last week. It's still hard to believe that I have been with him since he was 19. But, he's the perfect guy for me and puts up with all of my little celebrity crushes. Of course, Reese Witherspoon is the top of his laminated list. At least it's not Pam Anderson.
Oh and I'm going to miss seeing the NKOTB this Friday. I was going to go but the economy has hit us just as hard as everyone else and I can't justify the cost. No matter how I look at it, I find higher priorities for my family. Bummer, but I have their CD and I guess that's good enough. (Ok - who am I kidding - it sucks but sometimes you have to be the adult and make good choices)
Have a good week and I promise to have a new blog post soon. I'm also trying to stay away from politics. It just ends up ticking me off. Ha!