Which, by the way, Thursday's appointment could be a big one! We might get an induction date. Actually, I'm planning with all of my might to get an induction date that day. At my appointment last week, Baby X was measuring 2 weeks AHEAD of schedule - which means she's going to rival her sister in terms of birth weight. Maggie came in a week early at a whopping 8 lbs, 14 oz. Her sister who is shakin' and a bakin' in the oven is looking to meet or exceed that. So, the doctor (out of sympathy I'm sure) is talking about inducing me if I can get 1 more cm dilated. I told her I'd see her next Thursday with bells on. I even made my appointment with the same doctor hoping that she won't forget her promise to me. (I see 8 doctors in the practice that I go to.) I'll be sure to remind her!
I still have a million things to do and no time to do them. I need to be like Barb and get a Franklin or something. Goodness knows a list would help. But, that would involve being organized and I'm more of a procratinator/fly by the seat of my pants type of girl. But, we'll see...maybe I'll make a list and stick to it.
By the way - my PSA of today - I'm on a chat tonight at 9:00 EST - www.hth-creations.com. Come by and talk to me if you want! I love to chat!!! :D
Lastly, wanted to post this layout of my favorite big girl with my favorite great niece. Here's Maggie kissing baby Ryan. (Yes - her name is Ryan - I tried talking her mom into something more "girly" but it's starting to grow on me) I think Maggie is prepping for sisterhood pretty well. What do you think?

Of course, my poor angel is at the docs right now. She's been complaining today of ear pain. :( Poor little peanut.
Oh - and I guess I lied about the "lastly" part. I should post something about Grey's Anatomy. I do that every week. The only thing is - I'm still left reeling over last night. Not sure how I feel about it. I'm just heartbroken for George. Still mourning for him.