Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Before Karin threatens me one more time...

I figured I'd better post a new blog entry. I've had a lot going on with Scott and the kids, which is why I SHOULD blog but I've been swamped at work and at home. However, I'm taking a few minutes and doing it now. (Ok Karin?)

Scott and Maggie had their Father/Daughter dance with her brownie troop this weekend. It was actually all of the Girl Scout troops in our neighborhood. It was a square dance, so they went with denim for attire. Unfortunately, my husband hates having his photo taken (sort of ironic that he's married to a scrapper, huh?) but you know this event wasn't going to take place without one! Here they are in the front yard before the dance. He took her out to dinner (McDonalds - her choice) and then to the dance where they DoSiDo'd all night. (Is that even how you spell Dosido?)

This weekend I grabbed some shots of the girls. First, Addie all passed out on the couch. She had a rough night of partying. (Ok - I'm kidding, but you gotta admit that a 1 year old partying hard is funny)

We put her toys together from her birthday. (Boy - does this kid have TOYS!) Her favorite so far is the Busy Ball Popper. It's like a popcorn popper on steroids. It pops these balls out and all over the place and the girls entertained each other for probably an hour with that thing. (Yes - Maggie thinks it's cool, too)

Last is a shot of the two of them together. What you don't see is the 15 other photos of Addie giving Maggie all sorts of grief. The two of them are HILARIOUS together. Maggie tries to read to Addie and Addie grabs the book. Addie will take Maggie's toy and when Mags goes to take it back, Addie screams at her at the top of her lungs until Maggie freaks out and gives it to her. It's hysterical. But, they love each other. Addie calls her "MA". You'll hear her in the back of the car "MA - MA!" (Long A, not a short one. That's my name)

Maggie's in that phase where she won't give me a normal pose or smile. Six going on sixteen.


Anonymous said...

I am the 'Karin' that Ginger was referring to in her post. Yes, I harped on her until she posted one because there is NOTHING more annoying than hitting a blog EVERY freaking day and there not be anything new to read. So to all of those who have committed to writing a blog...for goodness sake, write something!

Anonymous said...

Aaawww... I remember the Girl Scout Father Daughter Dances. They are so darn cute. I love the picture of Scott and Maggie. I hope they had fun. : )
You're story telling of the girls together had me laughing out lou. I can totally picture the two of them.
Thanks for the update. I'm with Karin. : )

Anonymous said...

I hear ya Karin! Thanks for using that whip! LOL!!

Ginger~ Loved seeing the girls~ can't wait to see you Saturday so I can hear more about the Father Daughter Dance!

Anonymous said...

Bout time!