In celebration of my birthday, I always have to make a "list" of things. Usually it's what I'm grateful for but today I wanted to go with random facts. Not that I'm not grateful but I'd rather have a humorous post versus a mushy one. So - here are 31 random facts about me:
1) I hate mayonnaise. And Eggs. And Sour Cream. And Cottage Cheese. Seeing a pattern here? They all make me gag.
2) I only buy Levi's jeans anymore. No other brand fits me right.
3) I have no ass. It's like Nebraska - flat and wide. No badonka donk here. No junk in the trunk. I'm constantly hiking up my drawers.
4) Spam is tight. That's right - I love fried Spam. My mom breads it and fries it and it's good. Not diet friendly so I haven't had any in a long time, but boy do I crave it.
5) White Castles is an awesome restaurant. Nothing like sliders at 2 am.
6) I don't drink alcohol. Don't care for the taste and I prefer to be in control because if I DO drink too much - it's instant slut.
7) My favorite cartoon is Tom & Jerry
8) I was once in a local commercial. A friend of mine's grandfather owned a furniture store and I was in the background.
9) I scrapbooked my non-professional wedding photos in 1998 and can't find the album now. Probably a good thing because the last I remember, it involved deco scissors and some francis meyer stickers.
10) My iTunes is full of boy bands and teeny bopper music. Yes - it's my guilty pleasure. I just downloaded Tiffany's Greatest Hits. Don't judge me.
11) I DON'T care for John Mayer or Dave Matthews. Gasp! I know...
12) My house was built in 1957 - the same year my parents got married.
13) I had a cousin that was on Jerry Springer. I disowned her. So, I'm one cousin less. Ha! (She probably doesn't even know I don't claim her)
14) My first car was a 1985 Chevy Celebrity Eurosport. I was a studette.
15) I change my license plate every year and decorate my basement with the old ones. My goal is to make it look like a sports bar one day.
16) My parents bought their first house off of my husband's great aunt and uncle. We didn't find that out until 2 years ago when I was looking at their old papers from that closing.
17) The movie Poltergeist FREAKS me out. I love to watch it but then I don't sleep for two weeks because I'm afraid my closet will open and suck me in.
18) Feet gross me out. I can't get over everyone at Tae Kwon Do with their bare feet. I feel the need to santize whenever I watch Scott or Maggie because it grosses me out so bad.
19) I think farting is funny. Cracks me up. Admit it. Farts are funny.
20) Some of my dearest friends are ones I met through scrapbooking and I am SO thankful for that. (There is my grateful comment!)
21) Scott proposed to me over the phone. We were 19 and 20. It was more like "Hey - wanna get married?"
22) I met him through a blind date that his DAD set up. I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar...No seriously - I was a waitress and waited on his family and they thought we would be a good match. I thought they were crazy...
23) I'm still close with my ex-boyfriend's mom. She's a dear friend of mine - and always will be. She's like a 2nd mom. She adores my husband and we adore her.
24) I can speak ghetto and hillbilly. Seriously. Ask my friends. They've seen me do it.
25) I graduated high school 3rd in my class ONLY because I lost by like a tenth of a point and was pretty pissed about it. Am I still bitter? Eh...
26) My feet are a size 10. They have been since the 5th grade. Do you know what it's like when your feet get there 5 minutes before you do?
27) I know a TON of useless pop culture facts. I was watching VH1's "Superbowl of Pop Culture" or whatever and I was spankin' the contestants. Schweddy Balls were on Delicious Dish. Duh! (SNL reference there for those of you not in the know)
28) Addison's name was going to be Reese Addison but our families nixed it when they came into the room to meet her. It was a resounding "NO". So, we switched it. I should have stood my ground.
29) I like melted ice cream. I've microwaved a pint before. (Just enough to soften it pretty good)
30) I taught myself how to use Illustrator when I was designing papers. No formal training. My undergrad degree is in LAW.
31) I'm PETRIFIED of balloons. HATE them. I get really upset and jittery when I'm around them. No kidding. Kids parties have NO balloons at my house.
Well, that's it. I'm a total freak. You know 31 random/odd facts about me. Hopefully, it's not enough to scare off my friends!
Just saw John Mayer last night. Was not a fan of his looks at all. Just his music cause he's amazingly talented. Now that I've seen him in person, I must add him to my list of men I can sleep with and it'd have to be ok with my husband....just something about him....very hot. I got plenty of butt to share if you need some!
LOL! Thanks for the random-ness. LOVE IT!
ALso love Tiffany and not a fan of those boys either...do like SOME of their songs but overall....not so much.
Deco scissors are BACK!
Happy 31st Birthday my dear!!! Love hearing the stuff I didn't nknow about you!!! You always have me cracking up at your blog.
May you have the happiest of birthdays, my lovely friend!
Happy Birthday my friend! Love learning more about you! And we have some things in common! I can't stand feet and don't dare touch me with them...EWWW!!!!!! And I have to have my icecream soft too and sometimes stick it in the microwave! Too funny! I knew we were meant to be friends! It's all in the little things huh?! Hope your day is great! ;)
And man you are a baby...31! Try turning 36...I'm old! lOL!
nope. nothing there that would scare me. :)
happy birthday ginger..you young thing you!
Happy Birthday Ginger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE reading all these facts.....I'll stand next to you with the boy bands! (NKOTB is still my number one band!) :) :) :)
HaPpY BiRtHdAy GINGER!!!!!
Love ya!!
You forgot about the clowns!!! LOL!!! Hope you had a GREAT birthday!!!! Love ya girlie!!!! :0)
Happy Birthday, Ginger!! Hope it was a great one! :)
Happy Birthday, Ginger!!!
LOL! had a good chuckle at the random list... HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY, girl :) i hope they spoiled you silly!! oh, and kudos to you on your WW success...yahhh!
Happy birthday! - Jennafer
happy birthday G!!!
happy birthday hon...i loved reading your randomness:) i'm glad to hear that you are loving your new job as well. keep in touch:)
Happy 21st!!!! ;)....lol...mines coming up on the 1st!! whoohoo....
Happy Birthday Ginger! You always make me laugh outloud with your awesome lists! :)
Happy Birthday Ginger :) Great Facts. Schweddy Balls was my very Fav. SNL ever. I found it on Youtube and can watch it whenever I want to now, Oh The Memories.
And now,I have the Cocktail Waitress Song Stuck in My head,Thanks Alot! LOL~
Happy Birthday! Love the list! Love your work can't wait to see what's next.
Hmmm...I find myself "borrowing" (ok, I admit it - I'm stealing it) blog ideas from you on occasion!
My copy cat will be posted on Tuesday... Happy Birthday - just a month late! :)
SassyMarie (Missy's Sister)
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