1) Using a church WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING in the summer in Cincinnati where humidity is 200% is not a good thing.
2) NOT having someone's diploma is ALSO not a good thing. My nephew walked on stage after having his name called only to NOT receive his diploma. They literally stopped the ceremony so that they could fumble through the 50 (that's right - ONLY FIFTY) diplomas looking for his and it wasn't there. I think he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Thank goodness someone hollered out from the crowd "It's ok - we know you did it." Yes - we knew he did but it would have been nice for him to have it on one of the most important days of his life.
3) Get a bigger venue for the ceremony. It was standing room only. For something as formal as a graduation, there should be seats for everyone. If you can't accomodate everyone, then provide tickets and only those with tickets can attend. It's sad to see parents have to stand.
4) Don't let the students on the stage act like idiots. Two wore sunglasses and danced across the stage like they were in a 50 Cent video. It's GRADUATION. Not MTV.
5) Make sure your speakers (whether it be educators, guests, honored students, etc.) can ENUNCIATE. Nothing bothers me more than a mumbler doing public speaking.
Ok - so I'm over my vent. The thing that bothered me the most was my nephew not getting his diploma. He was upset. I don't blame him. But, I told him to hold his head up high and act with dignity and integrity. It wasn't his mistake and he won't be the one looking like a fool. Hopefully that's advice he can take with him for life.
Here he is with my brother and his wife. Everyone was SO HOT - so we all look terrible.

On a more positive note, I had a great weekend with my family. Except those random family members that just drive you crazy. Had to deal with one of those. Can you tell I don't tolerate well? LOL! But, LOVE spending time with Scott and the girls. Always makes it worth it.
Here Scott is kissing Addie's toes. He would tickle her toes and she'd smile and bury her face. We were outside under a patio, which is why she's a nakee baby. I had a onesie on her but it was just TOO HOT. I didn't want people thinking we were hillbilly.

Then there is Maggie. I can't believe her front teeth are already coming in. She's not even six and has already lost a mouthful of teeth. Can you say ORTHODONTICS??? She's such a stinker!

But, she's so cute! :)