Friday, August 18, 2006

Check out my little munchkin...

Even though I can't eat much (although I'm sure baby foods are low in points), Addison seems to really be catching on!

Here she is eating carrots. Silly little girl. She cracks me up - every time she eats her baby food (which she totally loves more than her bottle) she sucks on the spoon and then blows a bit -so there is usually food everywhere. It ends up in her hair and everything. Of course, with that mane, we're going to have those issues. LOL! (It's aleady long enough that it's down the middle of her back) But, back to the food. She LOVES it. Can't get enough. Maybe I'll finally get my peanut to grow!

Maggie is gearing up for back to school. She's going to miss her sister during the day. She stayed with my mom last night because "it's the last time I'll be able to for a LONG time". She said this as she was pleading her case. Girl is good at pleading. Might make a great attorney one day! Plus, she doesn't like to lose. Ha!

Here she is with Addison. She's a great big sister!

Tonight is Friday - normally we have pizza but now that Scott and I are both doing points, it's filet mignon. Yum!!!! Can't complain there. He used to be a butcher, so steak night at the Rohlfs' is a good time!


Angie said...

She always looks so soulful. Like, there's so much on her mind. Can't wait to hear what she has to say when she starts talking!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! That's all I can say! Wow!
On another note! You are insiring me to "think" about my diet. Not there yet but getting closer! Go Ginger! Hugs, Jane

Anonymous said...

love the pictures of course, and had to laugh at the story of addison blowing on her spoon, and creating the baby food mess... that brought back memories of those times with em and molly when they were messy but so fun!!