Bought, Sold, or Processed...
Musings about anything and everything.
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A new diet, a new office buddy...
Ok - so I've been watching my diet now for a little over a week and it's improving. I lost 7 pounds the first week but I was also sick for a day or two. Let's see how it goes this week. Weigh-in is Friday. Cross your fingers for me.
I also got a new office "mate" last week. Thanks to my good friend, Nichol (I love ya girl!), my cubicle is just a bit hotter this holiday.

He's 6'1" and definitely easy on the eyes. Although, he has scared a few of my co-workers as they've walked by and forgot that "he" hangs out in my office.
Of course, Nichol and I are still mourning the haircut.

Hopefully it grows out for New Moon!
In other news, I'll be off work for the next 12 days (WHOO HOO!) and hopefully S2H and I will get some stuff accomplished at home. Maggie is off of school and Addie is anxiously plotting her next move to tear something up at the house. I also got my first Etsy custom order and am pretty excited about that, so I'll be knitting this weekend! Plus, I am thinking about scrapbooking again. Some great layouts were up on 2Peas and they were VERY inspiring!
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and I'll probably post over the break!
I also got a new office "mate" last week. Thanks to my good friend, Nichol (I love ya girl!), my cubicle is just a bit hotter this holiday.

He's 6'1" and definitely easy on the eyes. Although, he has scared a few of my co-workers as they've walked by and forgot that "he" hangs out in my office.
Of course, Nichol and I are still mourning the haircut.

Hopefully it grows out for New Moon!
In other news, I'll be off work for the next 12 days (WHOO HOO!) and hopefully S2H and I will get some stuff accomplished at home. Maggie is off of school and Addie is anxiously plotting her next move to tear something up at the house. I also got my first Etsy custom order and am pretty excited about that, so I'll be knitting this weekend! Plus, I am thinking about scrapbooking again. Some great layouts were up on 2Peas and they were VERY inspiring!
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and I'll probably post over the break!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Totally Disgusted with Myself
I've been avoiding it for a while. I gave up on my diet a few months ago and went hog wild. LITERALLY. Hog wild is definitely the appropriate term. I did not pay attention to anything I ate - did not exercise. My job duties shifted and things have been stressful. But, tonight I realized - THAT IS NO EXCUSE.
I stepped on the scale for the first time in three months. I knew my pants weren't fitting. Quite frankly I have been feeling like shit. Now, I know why. All that weight - the weight I worked so hard to lose - is back.
I am disgusted with myself. I told myself I would not let this happen and I did. It's one of those things where I really wish I could be happy with myself as I am, but I can't. Society doesn't allow me to. My body doesn't allow me to. So, things are changing. TONIGHT.
My mom had just made me some fudge, too. Dammit. Oh well...it's sitting in the fridge and I'm not touching it. I got out the Wii Fit tonight and Maggie and I both worked out for a while. That will become an evening event, especially considering I had to cancel our YMCA membership 2 months ago. Back to the Wii. Back to watching every single thing I ate. Back to trying to change myself.
Such a vicious cycle. Ugh.
I stepped on the scale for the first time in three months. I knew my pants weren't fitting. Quite frankly I have been feeling like shit. Now, I know why. All that weight - the weight I worked so hard to lose - is back.
I am disgusted with myself. I told myself I would not let this happen and I did. It's one of those things where I really wish I could be happy with myself as I am, but I can't. Society doesn't allow me to. My body doesn't allow me to. So, things are changing. TONIGHT.
My mom had just made me some fudge, too. Dammit. Oh well...it's sitting in the fridge and I'm not touching it. I got out the Wii Fit tonight and Maggie and I both worked out for a while. That will become an evening event, especially considering I had to cancel our YMCA membership 2 months ago. Back to the Wii. Back to watching every single thing I ate. Back to trying to change myself.
Such a vicious cycle. Ugh.
Monday, December 01, 2008
I've been tagged by the amazing Laura Stoller
Ok - so Laura tagged me on her blog (did I mention that I'm a bridesmaid in her wedding next year???) and here goes:
The rules!
Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Random Things About Me
1) Twilight is the only movie that I've seen more than once in a theatre. If I have my way, I will see it a few more times. Normally, I'm not big on movies in the theatre. Nothing really intrigues me that much. Apparently, Rob Pattinson has intrigued me that much.
2) I had a cat from the time I was 5 until I was 27. She lived for 22 years. I named her Opal after the woman on All My Children. I loved that cat.
3) I am missing eight of my adult teeth. My teeth are HUGE and there was not enough space in my mouth. They were cut out. Talk about painful...and Mr. Ed.
4) I was a total band geek and can play the clarinet. Still have it and sometimes get it out and play a few tunes. I think it's sort of a crisis that schools do not put an emphasis on band programs.
5) I went to the smallest high school in southwestern Ohio. My graduating class was 44 students and that was one of the largest classes in the history of the school. The class after me only had 28.
6) I love spam. I think it's good. My mom breads it and fries it and I think it's pretty darn tasty. With this economic crisis, I'm set because Spam doesn't scare me.
7) My feet are a size 10 and have been since the 5th grade. Fortunately I am 5' 9" (depending on who measures me) so I grew into them, but for a few years, it was pretty awkward being a kid with super huge feet. My daughter is on the same path. (Size 8 in the 3rd grade...)
There you go - my weird/random facts.
I'm tagging - anyone that reads my blog since I'm a horrible blogger and don't post as often as I should. Post a comment with a random fact! :)
The rules!
Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Random Things About Me
1) Twilight is the only movie that I've seen more than once in a theatre. If I have my way, I will see it a few more times. Normally, I'm not big on movies in the theatre. Nothing really intrigues me that much. Apparently, Rob Pattinson has intrigued me that much.
2) I had a cat from the time I was 5 until I was 27. She lived for 22 years. I named her Opal after the woman on All My Children. I loved that cat.
3) I am missing eight of my adult teeth. My teeth are HUGE and there was not enough space in my mouth. They were cut out. Talk about painful...and Mr. Ed.
4) I was a total band geek and can play the clarinet. Still have it and sometimes get it out and play a few tunes. I think it's sort of a crisis that schools do not put an emphasis on band programs.
5) I went to the smallest high school in southwestern Ohio. My graduating class was 44 students and that was one of the largest classes in the history of the school. The class after me only had 28.
6) I love spam. I think it's good. My mom breads it and fries it and I think it's pretty darn tasty. With this economic crisis, I'm set because Spam doesn't scare me.
7) My feet are a size 10 and have been since the 5th grade. Fortunately I am 5' 9" (depending on who measures me) so I grew into them, but for a few years, it was pretty awkward being a kid with super huge feet. My daughter is on the same path. (Size 8 in the 3rd grade...)
There you go - my weird/random facts.
I'm tagging - anyone that reads my blog since I'm a horrible blogger and don't post as often as I should. Post a comment with a random fact! :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ginger's Sexiest Men
I was going to post about seeing Twilight (which I loved and am going tomorrow to see again!) but I could not help myself. I HAVE to do the Sexiest Men post. (I usually do this once a year and it's funny to watch my tastes change) Since People Magazine released their selections, I thought it was time that I view mine...
Keep in mind that some of these guys are from Ginger's "back-in-the-day". LOL! Oh - and as a disclaimer my main man is still S2H - but in the spirit of Ross and Rachel's laminated list on Friends, here is mine. (I'm going with 10 instead of five)
1) Robert Pattinson - for the love of everything on this planet - he is to DIE for. The hair, the British accent, the jawline, the brooding facial expressions. Sign me up.

2) Nick Lachey - I have to give Nick props. He has to be #2 simply because he's a good guy.

3) Kellan Lutz - This is a new one for me. I loved him as Emmett Cullen but I got to researching him and HELLO!

4) Ashton Kutcher - I have always thought he was adorable and had a really good look. Still do. Watched the Guardian and OMG - he's the modern day Tom Cruise in Top Gun. If you've never seen the movie - go rent it. It's worth it just to see Ashton!

5) Kyle Chandler - I've had a thing for Kyle Chandler since he did Homefront back in 1992. He still has it.

6) Tyson Beckford - From his early days as a Polo model til now. Tyson is one fine looker! Plus, he has a sexy name.

7) Michael C Hall - I have not watched him in 6 Feet Under, but I do like him in Dexter. He has that "all american guy" look.

8) Josh Beckett - He's an athlete, he has pretty eyes and he reminds me of my husband. Of course, I've always had a thing for ball players.

9) Jon Knight - I still have a lot of 13 year old girl in me and Jon Knight comes with that territory. He's the "shy" one in the boy band. I was always into the shy ones.

10) Hal Morris - Once again, from back in the day. Yes - he has a mullet in the photo, but he was still tight. We're talking 1990 and I'm sure he's still as hot today. I went to so many Reds games back then and my family thought it was just because I was into baseball. Ha!

I have a few honorable mentions but I'll just leave them alone for now. I'd rather post another photo of Rob up here. Ha!
Do you have a top 10? I'd love to hear them.
Keep in mind that some of these guys are from Ginger's "back-in-the-day". LOL! Oh - and as a disclaimer my main man is still S2H - but in the spirit of Ross and Rachel's laminated list on Friends, here is mine. (I'm going with 10 instead of five)
1) Robert Pattinson - for the love of everything on this planet - he is to DIE for. The hair, the British accent, the jawline, the brooding facial expressions. Sign me up.

2) Nick Lachey - I have to give Nick props. He has to be #2 simply because he's a good guy.

3) Kellan Lutz - This is a new one for me. I loved him as Emmett Cullen but I got to researching him and HELLO!

4) Ashton Kutcher - I have always thought he was adorable and had a really good look. Still do. Watched the Guardian and OMG - he's the modern day Tom Cruise in Top Gun. If you've never seen the movie - go rent it. It's worth it just to see Ashton!

5) Kyle Chandler - I've had a thing for Kyle Chandler since he did Homefront back in 1992. He still has it.

6) Tyson Beckford - From his early days as a Polo model til now. Tyson is one fine looker! Plus, he has a sexy name.

7) Michael C Hall - I have not watched him in 6 Feet Under, but I do like him in Dexter. He has that "all american guy" look.

8) Josh Beckett - He's an athlete, he has pretty eyes and he reminds me of my husband. Of course, I've always had a thing for ball players.

9) Jon Knight - I still have a lot of 13 year old girl in me and Jon Knight comes with that territory. He's the "shy" one in the boy band. I was always into the shy ones.

10) Hal Morris - Once again, from back in the day. Yes - he has a mullet in the photo, but he was still tight. We're talking 1990 and I'm sure he's still as hot today. I went to so many Reds games back then and my family thought it was just because I was into baseball. Ha!

I have a few honorable mentions but I'll just leave them alone for now. I'd rather post another photo of Rob up here. Ha!
Do you have a top 10? I'd love to hear them.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Move Over Nick...

I'm sorry sweetie, you've been replaced...
With a hot, 22-year-old. I'm sorry, but his brooding just gets me. Plus, he plays only the most perfect fictional character ever. His hair - in all of its messy glory - pretty much pushed me over the edge.

My friends are cracking up because they never thought Nick would be booted off of the top slot in my celebrity list. Alas...it has happened. Who would have thought?
All I have to say is four more days until the movie. Is it so bad that I keep watching his interviews over and over?
At least one of my friends gets it. (You know who you are girl!) ;)
I think I might re-do my top list again. I was at the bookstore this weekend and Cosmo had a list of the 25 hottest men. I guarantee we disagree. I didn't read it but pretty much I always disagree with those lists.
Of course, S2H always commands the top spot in my heart, but what's wrong with a little eye candy?
Oh - and if you're looking for a good song to download, go for "Tremble for my Beloved" from Collective Soul. It's FABULOUS.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I never thought this would happen...
My friends that know me, know I do not read. Period. I just cannot get into a book. Call it Adult ADD or whatever (which I swear I have) but I am just not the type of girl to grab a book and read. I'd rather pluck my eyebrows. So, when a friend lent Twilight to me, I was pretty much like "Yea - I'll read a chapter and be done".

10 days and more than 2000 pages later, I've read the series. I was hooked within the first five pages and couldn't stand to put it down. Every free moment pretty much involved my head stuck in one of the books. To the point where I think Scott was ready to set them on fire. I've DVRd the last two episodes of Dexter because I couldn't stand to put the book down.
Now the movie is coming out in 8 days. I already have a sitter, am ordering tickets on Friday and bought the soundtrack last night which I LOVE. I can't wait.

I can't wait to see Edward Cullen come to life!

10 days and more than 2000 pages later, I've read the series. I was hooked within the first five pages and couldn't stand to put it down. Every free moment pretty much involved my head stuck in one of the books. To the point where I think Scott was ready to set them on fire. I've DVRd the last two episodes of Dexter because I couldn't stand to put the book down.
Now the movie is coming out in 8 days. I already have a sitter, am ordering tickets on Friday and bought the soundtrack last night which I LOVE. I can't wait.

I can't wait to see Edward Cullen come to life!
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