1) Baby X will be here soon. Yes - I keep saying that, but it's true. She's getting ready. My next appointment is tomorrow and I will be armed with tears, begging and anything else that will help me get an induction date.
2) Got my new Mac Book Pro! Yes - it's sweet! Here's Morris and Janice playing with the photobooth on it yesterday - we're so productive here. Remember girls - Morris is available! You have to be ultra awesome though before the rest of us will let you date him. He deserves a great girl! Trust me - he's a catch!!!

3) Barb started work today!!! YEA!!! It's great having someone to bounce ideas off of, etc. She's busily working on some CKU projects - we've decided to do the remaining two albums this year. Maybe more. Lots of things will be happening here at IP soon!
4) Talked to S2H a few times today. My hubby is a hottie. Even when he's Earl. He got his hairs cut last night. So cute! Wish I had a photo to post but I pretty much went home and went to bed.
5) Getting excited about seeing Kenny Chesney! Scott bought me tickets to see Kenny for Valentine's Day. I can't even believe I forgot to blog about that. I'm telling you - I am married to one great man. The concert date is March 23rd - he even arranged babysitting and everything. LOVE him!

6) Have dinner with my family tonight. I love Wednesdays. I have dinner with my mom, cousin Lorrie, brother, etc. Tonight is Skyline! My nephew works there after school, so he's bringing everyone dinner. It's so nice to just have one night a week to connect with my extended family. Even if they drive Scott nuts. :) (For those of you NOT from Cincinnati, Skyline is our sweet chili that we eat with spaghetti and cheese, or on a hotdog. If you're not from here, you'd probably hate it)
7) Got my wireless appointment scheduled. Making the Rohlfs house a hot spot. :)
8) Maggie is finally feeling a bit better. My poor little pumpkin has battled the stomach flu and an ear infection in the past week. We've spent a lot of time cuddled up on the couch reading books. I'm amazed at how much she has learned in school and how fast she catches on. She's also asking to name her sister "Meredith". I've been letting her watch too much G/A.
That's all - I tried to make it to ten but quite frankly - it's lunchtime and I'm starving. Gotta go feed the baby!
Love the picture of "the bosses"! So cute. That is awesome Barb is going to be working there - you guys are going to have a hard time being serious but 2 creative genius minds together...that could be dangerous.
Miss you!
Oh Ginger I'm glad everyone is over the stomach crud! We've had it too. Can't wiat to see when the new little one gets here. Have fun with Kenny! He does amazing concerts. And by the way I love Skyline!!!!! Of course I'm from Athens!
Whohooooo for Macs and inducements and appointments and KENNY!!!
Thanks for the update Gingy!!
It's all good...
Love ya girl,
dang...forgot to add...I am TOTALLY crossing my fingers for a good doctor visit! time has flown I cant wait to see "baby meredith"
remember my friend Heather is still available
awesome hubby to think of tickets for VD.
OH.MY.GOSH. I totally forgot about Skyline. LOOOVE Skline! Hmm I'll have to see about ordering it in cans.
Love your blog, I lurk ALL the time. Best wishes and happy vibes for getting induced!
Maggie and Meredith.....does totally sound like a cool combination!! here's to Meredith's speedy arrival! ; -)
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